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10 Gifts 学生 Should Add to Their Holiday Wish List

Whether you’re a current student or about to graduate, here are 10 gifts you might want to add to your holiday wish list!

冬天标志着给予的季节,一些最有价值的礼物是你可以在日常生活中使用的. 为别人挑选一份完美的礼物,或者把它放在自己的愿望清单上,这可能是一个挑战. Whether you’re a current student or about to graduate, here are 10 gifts you might want to add to your holiday wish list:

1. 工作的衣服

Professional clothes are always useful to have, no matter the industry. Whether you’re studying to be in the medical field or a business position, a go-to work outfit is useful in case of an 面试, internship or job.

西装外套是一件完美的工作服,可以在商务休闲或商务专业的工作环境中使用. 你也可以把它套在一件漂亮的衬衫上参加视频会议,而不必改变你整个在家工作的服装. Another option could be a nice pair of shoes, 无论你是整天站着工作,还是在办公室工作时需要支持性的运动鞋或正装鞋.

2. Portable Charger

Portable chargers are a perfect gift for people who are frequently on the go, 例如在医疗保健领域的第一线或通常远离办公桌的人. With a portable charger, 你不必担心你的手机在长时间的临床轮班或上下班途中没电了. Many chargers also have the option for two charging cords, allowing you to power more than one device at a time.

3. 水瓶

保持水分是健康的重要组成部分,尤其是在假期. 饮用推荐量的液体可以帮助增强你的免疫系统和能量, 一些人说,随身携带一个有趣的水瓶可以提醒他们多喝水. 可重复使用的水瓶在功能方面也取得了长足的进步:一些可以减少冷凝水, others can keep your bever年龄s ice cold all day, 和更多的! 膨胀 is known for its insulated bottles, while Contigo has many great affordable options.

4. 语法 Subscription

写作是一项重要的技能,无论在哪个行业,你都必须不断地脱颖而出. 一系列的拼写错误和语法错误很容易让你看起来不专业或被带走 家庭作业 点. Luckily, you can use tools like 语法 to avoid misspellings or other grammatical errors in your work.

语法是一个在线写作助手,旨在帮助作家消除错误,并与谷歌等各种平台合作, 松弛, 推特 和 LinkedIn. 用户可以通过订阅语法来加强他们的写作, which not only looks for usual spelling, 语法和标点的纠正,但也包括有助于你的清晰和简洁的功能, vocabulary enhancement, plagiarism 和 tone.

5. 桌子上的组织者

Are you struggling to squeeze all your work or school equipment into your work from home space? A clean workspace can increase productivity 和 decrease anxiety. 一个写字台收纳器可以帮助你把所有的东西放在合适的地方,同时也为你提供一个干净的工作空间,无论你是在家里还是在办公室. 它们有各种各样的尺寸和样式,并具有不同的功能.

Organization can come in a variety of shapes 和 sizes. Think about what would be most beneficial in helping you get organized. Is it something compact with a space for writing utensils 和 paper clips, 或者你需要一些更结实的东西来存放文件和文件夹? You can also personalize your workspace by finding organizational 

6. 背包

一个高质量的背包可以提供足够的空间来携带你所有的学校和工作设备. 它们的使用寿命也更长,所以你不必每一两年就买一个新的.

There are some quality, compact backpacks are that are not only affordable but also durable, water-resistant 和 have a ton of room for all your belongings. 有些甚至还内置了USB充电线,让你在忙碌的时候也能更方便地给手机充电.

7. 面具

在这个节日里,用一系列时尚的口罩来保持时尚和安全. 你可以通过你最喜欢的零售商或当地的零售商在网上找到各种各样的款式. 在长时间工作或上学的日子里,有几个适合你的口罩总是一个好主意. Etsy is also a great option for unique 和 customizable masks, especially if you struggle to wear a mask with a beard or glasses. Now you can have a mask for every occasion 和 every outfit!

8. 旅行杯

Keep your morning caffeine warm for a longer period of time. With busy schedules full of patients, meetings or assignments, 人们经常会遇到各种各样的干扰,阻止他们喝早上的咖啡. 咖啡杯和旅行杯可以让你随身携带咖啡,并将咖啡保持在合适的温度,这样你就可以随心所欲地享受你的热饮或冷饮. 有些甚至会附带一个特殊的加热垫,以确保你的饮料一整天都保持温暖.

9. H和 Sanitizer Holder

Tired of losing your travel bottle of h和 sanitizer in your purse or backpack? 洗手液支架可以让你把它夹在包的外面,这样很容易找到和使用. 这是一个伟大的和方便的工具,特别是如果你必须去上课或工作. H和 sanitizer holders can be found online in a variety of colors 和 styles.

10. 规划师

对于学生来说,假期通常是一个繁忙的时间,因为期末考试、论文和毕业. Keeping a to-do list can help you feel organized, but without proper planning, it’s easy for that list to get out of control. 要求一份 规划师 or 年龄nda to keep you on top of all your responsibilities.

Using a personal 规划师 can help you prioritize your tasks, 提高你的时间管理技能,让你在课堂和工作中都更成功.

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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